A Module to superimpose two protein chains.
import numpy as np
from Bio import PDB
from scipy.spatial import distance
[docs]class ChainSuperimposer:
""" A class to organise the superimposition of two chains. First the atoms involved in the operation
are selected. Then :class:`Bio.PDB.Superimposer.Superimposer` is employed to do the superimposition.
[docs] def __init__(self, reference, other, other_struc):
Initialise the class.
:param reference: The chain used as a template in the superimposition.
:type reference: :class:`Bio.PDB.Chain.Chain`
:param other: The chain to be transformed.
:type other: :class:`Bio.PDB.Chain.Chain`
:param other_struc: The structure object of the other chain. This enables the transformation matrix to be applied across the whole structure.
:type other_struc: :class:`Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure`
# Input data
self.reference = reference
self.other = other
self.other_struc = other_struc # Needed to translate the whole structure
# ensure only single chains are supplied
assert (reference.get_level() == 'C')
assert (other.get_level() == 'C')
# Setup a dictionary matching uniprot res index with res. Discard ligands and water.
# res.get_id()[0] ---> hetid flag
# res.get_id()[1] ---> res index
self.reference_seq = {res.get_id()[1]: res for res in self.reference if res.get_id()[0] == " "}
self.other_seq = {res.get_id()[1]: res for res in self.other if res.get_id()[0] == " "}
self.selected_index = self._residue_selection()
[docs] def _residue_selection(self):
A class method to do the essential residue filtering using the UniProt sequence positions.
- Find intersecting sequence indices between the reference and other.
- Remove index if at a given UniProt index the residue type in reference and other is not the same
- Remove index if at a given UniProt index either the reference or other residue is incomplete
:return: A set of sequence indices
:rtype: set
sele = set(self.reference_seq.keys()).intersection(set(self.other_seq.keys()))
for i in sele:
# print(self.reference_seq[i].resname != self.other_seq[i].resname)
# print(self.is_residue_incomplete(self.reference_seq[i]))
rm = {i for i in sele if
any((self.reference_seq[i].resname != self.other_seq[i].resname,
for r in rm:
return sele
[docs] def superimpose(self, hetid=None, within=8.0):
The superimposition method. If optional `hetid` is supplied, only binding site
residues will used for the superimposition.
:param hetid: Ligand identifier
:type hetid: str
:param binding_site: flag
:type binding_site: bool
:param within: binding site cutoff distance
:type within: float
.. code-block:: python
# Example useage
from pdb_superimposer import ChainSuperimposer, Helper
ref = Helper.protein_from_file("2VTA", "2VTA.pdb")
ref_chain = [c for c in ref[0]][0]
other = Helper.protein_from_file("6YLK", "6YLK.pdb")
ref_chain = [c for c in other[0]][0]
cs = ChainSuperimposer(reference=ref_chain, other=other_chain, other_struc=other)
if hetid:
# detect binding site
bs = self.binding_site(chain=self.other, hetid=hetid, within=within)
self.selected_index = self.selected_index.intersection(bs)
super_imposer = PDB.Superimposer()
# set the active atoms
reference_atms = [atm for resi in self.reference_seq.values() for atm in resi
if resi.get_id()[1] in self.selected_index and atm.element != "H"]
other_atms = [atm for resi in self.other_seq.values() for atm in resi
if resi.get_id()[1] in self.selected_index and atm.element != "H"]
super_imposer.set_atoms(reference_atms, other_atms)
# apply the transformation matrix to the whole chain
self.rms = super_imposer.rms
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_residue_incomplete(res):
Determine whether the residue is incomplete (i.e. whether there are missing residue atoms)
:param res: A PDB residue
:type: `Bio.PDB.Residue.Residue`
:return: A boolean expressing whether the residue is incomplete
:rtype: bool
>>> from pdb_superimposer import ChainSuperimposer, Helper
>>> ref = Helper.protein_from_file("2VTA", "2VTA.pdb")
>>> ref_chain = [c for c in ref[0]][0]
>>> first_res = [r for r in ref_chain][0]
>>> bs = ChainSuperimposer.is_residue_incomplete(first_res)
aa_atm_dic = {'MET': 8, 'GLU': 9, 'ASN': 8, 'PHE': 11, 'GLN': 9, 'LYS': 9,
'VAL': 7, 'ILE': 8, 'GLY': 4, 'THR': 7, 'TYR': 12, 'ALA': 5,
'ARG': 11, 'LEU': 8, 'SER': 6, 'HIS': 10, 'PRO': 7, 'ASP': 8,
'CYS': 6, 'TRP': 14}
return len([a for a in res if a.element != "H"]) != aa_atm_dic[res.resname]
[docs] @staticmethod
def binding_site(chain, hetid, within=8.0):
Detect binding site residues for a supplied hetid
:param chain: A protein chain
:param hetid: A ligand identifier
:param within: A cutoff distance
:type chain: `Bio.PDB.Chain`
:type hetid: str
:type within: float
:return: A boolean list denoting inclusion in the superimposition operation
:rtype: list
>>> from pdb_superimposer import ChainSuperimposer, Helper
>>> ref = Helper.protein_from_file("2VTA", "2VTA.pdb")
>>> ref_chain = [c for c in ref[0]][0]
>>> ans = ChainSuperimposer.binding_site(ref_chain, "LZ1", 10.0)
{1, 2, 3, ...}
# array of ligand coords
ligand = [resi for resi in chain if hetid in resi.get_id()[0]][0]
ligand_atms = np.array([atm.get_coord() for atm in ligand])
# list of array's containing residue coords
resi_atms = [np.array([atm.get_coord() for atm in resi]) for resi in chain if resi.get_id()[0] == " "]
# loop through the residues,
# calculate and all-by-all atom distances
# if any atom is within the cutoff distance, return True
return {r.get_id()[1] for r in resi_atms if np.amin(distance.cdist(r, ligand_atms)) <= within}
class Helper:
def protein_from_file(name, fpath):
Reads a PDB file.
:param name: name of object
:param fpath: path to pdb file
:type name: str
:type fpath: str
:return: a protein structure
:rtype: `Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure`
return PDB.PDBParser().get_structure(name, fpath)
def protein_to_file(structure, fpath):
Writes a PDB to file.
:param structure: a protein structure
:param fpath: path for output pdb file
:type structure: `Bio.PDB.Structure.Structure`
:type fpath: str
io = PDB.PDBIO()