Result API

The hotspots.result contains classes to extract valuable information from the calculated Fragment Hotspot Maps.

The main classes of the hotspots.result module are:

hotspots.result.Results can be generated using the hotspots.calculation module

>>> from hotspots.calculation import Runner
>>> r = Runner()


>>> r.from_pdb("pdb_code")


>>> from ccdc.protein import Protein
>>> protein = Protein.from_file("path_to_protein")
>>> result = r.from_protein(protein)

The hotspots.result.Results is the central class for the entire API. Every module either feeds into creating a hotspots.result.Results instance or uses it to generate derived data structures.

The hotspots.result.Extractor enables the main result to be broken down based on molecular volumes. This produces molecule sized descriptions of the cavity and aids tractibility analysis and pharmacophoric generation.

class hotspots.result.Extractor(hr, settings=None)[source]

A class to handle the extraction of molecular volumes from a Fragment Hotspot Map result

  • hr (hotspots.HotspotResults) – A Fragment Hotspot Maps result

  • settings (hotspots.Extractor.Settings) – Extractor settings

class Settings(volume=150, cutoff=14, spacing=0.5, mvon=True)[source]

Default settings for hotspot extraction

  • volume (float) – required volume (default = 150)

  • cutoff (float) – only features above this value are considered (default = 14)

  • spacing (float) – grid spacing, (default = 0.5)

  • mvon (bool) – Run Max value of neighbours (default = True)


Returns a HotspotResult with a restricted volume


volume (int) – target map volume

Return hotspots.result.Resultshotspots.result.Results

A fresh result object

class hotspots.result.Results(super_grids, protein, buriedness=None, pharmacophore=None, superstar=None, weighted_superstar=None)[source]

A class to handle the results of the Fragment Hotspot Map calcation and to organise subsequent analysis

  • super_grids (dict) – key = probe identifier and value = grid

  • protein (ccdc.protein.Protein) – target protein

  • buriedness (ccdc.utilities.Grid) – the buriedness grid

  • pharmacophore (bool) – if True, a pharmacophore will be generated


for a given mol, return a dictionary of dictionaries containing the percentage overlap of each atoms VDW radius with the Hotspot Grids.

{“donor”: {“atomic_label”: percentage_overlap}




static from_grid_ensembles(res_list, prot_name, charged=False, mode='max')[source]

Experimental feature

Creates ensemble map from a list of Results. Structures in the ensemble have to aligned by the binding site of interest prior to the hotspots calculation.

TODO: Move to the calculation module?

  • res_list – list of hotspots.result.Results

  • prot_name (str) – str

  • out_dir (str) – path to output directory


a hotspots.result.Results instance

get_difference_map(other, tolerance)[source]

Experimental feature. Generates maps to highlight selectivity for a target over an off target cavity. Proteins should be aligned by the binding site of interest prior to calculation. High scoring regions of a map represent areas of favourable interaction in the target binding site, not present in off target binding site


a hotspots.result.Results instance

get_pharmacophore_model(identifier='id_01', threshold=5)[source]

Generates a hotspots.hotspot_pharmacophore.PharmacophoreModel instance from peaks in the hotspot maps

TODO: investigate using feature recognition to go from grids to features.

  • identifier (str) – Identifier for displaying multiple models at once

  • cutoff (float) – The score cutoff used to identify islands in the maps. One peak will be identified per island


a hotspots.hotspot_pharmacophore.PharmacophoreModel instance


Detect local maxima and generate a dict of peak by value


Peak coordinates by peak values.

Return type



get the number zero grid points for the Fragment Hotspot Result


dict of str(probe type) by a numpy.array (non-zero grid point scores)

percentage_matched_atoms(mol, threshold, match_atom_types=True)[source]

for a given molecule, the ‘percentage match’ is given by the percentage of atoms which overlap with the hotspot result (over a given overlap threshol)

  • mol

  • threshold

  • match_atom_types


score(obj=None, tolerance=2)[source]

annotate protein, molecule or self with Fragment Hotspot scores

  • objccdc.protein.Protein, ccdc.molecule.Molecule or hotsptos.result.Results (find the median)

  • tolerance (int) – the search radius around each point


scored obj, either ccdc.protein.Protein, ccdc.molecule.Molecule or hotspot.result.Results

>>> result          # example "1hcl"
<hotspots.result.Results object at 0x000000001B657940>
>>> from numpy import np
>>> p = result.score(result.protein)    # scored protein
>>> np.median([a.partial_charge for a in p.atoms if a.partial_charge > 0])