Source code for hotspots.hs_io

The :mod:`hotspots.hs_io` module was created to facilitate easy reading and
writing of Fragment Hotspot Map results.

There are multiple components to a :class:`hotspots.result.Result` including, the
protein, interaction grids and buriedness grid. It is therefore tedious to manually
read/write using the various class readers/writers. The Hotspots I/O organises this
for the user and can handle single :class:`hotspots.result.Result` or lists of

The main classes of the :mod:`` module are:

- :class:``
- :class:``

from __future__ import print_function

import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile
from os import listdir, walk
from os.path import splitext, join, isdir, isfile

from ccdc import io
from ccdc.protein import Protein
from ccdc.utilities import PushDir
from ccdc.molecule import Molecule, Atom
from hotspots.grid_extension import Grid
from hotspots.result import Results
from hotspots.hs_utilities import Helper
from hotspots.wrapper_pymol import PyMOLCommands, PyMOLFile

[docs]class HotspotWriter(Helper): """ A class to handle the writing of a :class`hotspots.result.Result`. Additionally, creation of the PyMol visualisation scripts are handled here. :param str path: path to output directory :param str visualisation: "pymol" or "ngl" currently only PyMOL available :param str grid_extension: ".grd", ".ccp4" and ".acnt" supported :param bool zip_results: If True, the result directory will be compressed. (recommended) :param `hotspots.hs_io.HotspotWriter.Settings` settings: settings """
[docs] class Settings(object): """ A class to hold the :class:`hotspots.hs_io.HotspotWriter` settings """ def __init__(self): self.output_superstar = False self.output_weighted = False self.output_buriedness = True self.grid_extension = ".grd" self.bg_color = "white" self.surface = False self.surface_trim_factor = 13 self.organic_sticks = True self.isosurface_threshold = [10, 14, 17] self.grids = None self.transparency = 0.2 self.grid_labels = True self.supported_grids = [".grd", ".ccp4", ".acnt"] self.pharmacophore = False self.pharmacophore_labels = True self.pharmacophore_format = [".py"] self.container = 'out' self.identifier_tag = [0] # e.g. self.protein_color_dic = {f"protein_{hr.identifier}": "slate"} self.protein_color_dic = {} self.colour_dict = {'acceptor':'red', 'donor':'blue', 'apolar':'yellow', 'negative':'purple', 'positive':'cyan', 'buriedness': 'gray'}
def __init__(self, path, grid_extension=".grd", zip_results=True, settings=None): if settings is None: self.settings = self.Settings() else: self.settings = settings if grid_extension in self.settings.supported_grids: self.settings.grid_extension = grid_extension else: self.settings.grid_extension = ".grd" print("WARNING: Invalid grid file format provided. Default: '.grd' will be used") self.path = self.get_out_dir(path) self.zip_results = zip_results self.pymol_out = PyMOLFile() if self.zip_results: # unzip and change working directory self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.unzip_dir(self.settings.container) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if traceback: print(traceback)
[docs] def write(self, hr): """ writes the Fragment Hotspot Maps result to the output directory and create the pymol visualisation file :param hr: a Fragment Hotspot Maps result or list of results :type hr: `hotspots.result.Result` >>> from hotspots.calculation import Runner >>> from hotspots.hs_io import HotspotWriter >>> r = Runner >>> result = r.from_pdb("1hcl") >>> out_dir = <path_to_out> >>> with HotspotWriter(out_dir) as w: >>> w.write(result) """ container = Helper.get_out_dir(join(self.path, self.settings.container)) if isinstance(hr, list): print(hr) if len({h.identifier for h in hr}) != len(hr): # if there are not unique identifiers, create some. for i, h in enumerate(hr): h.identifier = f"hotspot-{i}" for h in hr: self._single_write(container, h) else: if not hr.identifier: hr.identifier = "hotspot" self._single_write(container, hr) self._write_pymol_isoslider(hr) self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.background_color(self.settings.bg_color) self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.push_to_wd() if self.zip_results: self.compress() self.pymol_out.write(join(self.path, ""))
def _single_write(self, path, hr): hr.out_dir = Helper.get_out_dir(join(path, hr.identifier)) self._write_grids(hr) self._write_protein(hr.out_dir, hr.protein) relpath = f'{hr.identifier}' self._write_pymol_objects(relpath, hr) def _write_grids(self, hr): """ Write probe grids to output directory :param grid_dict: hotspot result grid dict :param buriedness: buriedness grid :type grid_dict: hotspot.grid_extension.Grid :type buriedness: hotspot.grid_extension.Grid """ for p, g in hr.super_grids.items(): g.write(join(hr.out_dir, f"{p}{self.settings.grid_extension}")) if self.settings.output_buriedness and hr.buriedness: hr.buriedness.write(join(hr.out_dir, f"buriedness{self.settings.grid_extension}")) if self.settings.output_superstar and hr.superstar: for p, g in hr.superstar.items(): g.write(join(hr.out_dir, f"superstar_{p}{self.settings.grid_extension}")) if self.settings.output_weighted and hr.weighted_superstar: for p, g in hr.weighted_superstar.items(): g.write(join(hr.out_dir, f"weighted_{p}{self.settings.grid_extension}")) @staticmethod def _write_protein(path, prot): """ writes protein to output directory :param prot: a protein :type prot: `ccdc.protein.Protein` """ with io.MoleculeWriter(join(path, "protein.pdb")) as writer: writer.write(prot) def _write_pymol_isoslider(self, hr): """ generates the commands for an isoslider :param hr: a hotspot result :type hr: `hotspots.results.Results` """ # Isosurface obj's take the name: "surface_{probe ID}_{hotpsot ID}" # e.g. "surface_apolar_hotspotA" if not isinstance(hr, list): hr = [hr] # the hotspot grids are always output surface_dic = {h.identifier: {'fhm': [f"surface_{g}_{h.identifier}" for g in h.super_grids.keys()]} for h in hr} surface_value_dic = {h.identifier: {"fhm": max([round(g.extrema[1], 1) for g in h.super_grids.values()])} for h in hr} for h in hr: if self.settings.output_superstar and h.superstar: surface_dic[h.identifier].update({'superstar': [f"surface_superstar_{g}_{h.identifier}" for g in h.superstar.keys()]}) surface_value_dic[h.identifier].update({'superstar': max([round(g.extrema[1], 1) for g in h.superstar.values()])}) if self.settings.output_weighted and h.weighted_superstar: surface_dic[h.identifier].update({'weighted': [f"surface_weighted_superstar_{g}_{h.identifier}" for g in h.weighted_superstar.keys()]}) surface_value_dic[h.identifier].update({'weighted': max([round(g.extrema[1], 1) for g in h.weighted_superstar.values()])}) if self.settings.output_buriedness and h.buriedness: surface_dic[h.identifier].update({'buriedness': [f"surface_buriedness_{h.identifier}"]}) surface_value_dic[h.identifier].update({'buriedness': 8}) min_value = 0 print(surface_dic) print(surface_value_dic) self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.isoslider(surface_dic, surface_value_dic) def _write_pymol_isosurfaces(self, dict, relpath, identifier, dict_type): """ Loads grids and generates isosurfaces :param dict: interaction grid dictionary :param relpath: result containing directory :param identifier: hotspot identifier :param dict_type: superstar, fhm or weighted_superstar :type dict: dict :type relpath: str :type identifier: str :type dict_type: str :return: pymol commands :rtype: str """ cmd = "" default_level = 5 # load grids and create isosurfaces group_members = [] for p in dict.keys(): if dict_type == 'fhm': objname = f'{p}_{identifier}' fname = f'{relpath}/{p}{self.settings.grid_extension}' else: objname = f'{dict_type}_{p}_{identifier}' fname = f'{relpath}/{dict_type}_{p}{self.settings.grid_extension}' cmd += PyMOLCommands.load(fname=fname, objname=objname) # surface_10_apolar_hotspotid surface_objname = f'surface_{objname}' cmd += PyMOLCommands.isosurface(grd_name=objname, isosurface_name=surface_objname, level=default_level, color=self.settings.colour_dict[p]) cmd += PyMOLCommands.pymol_set(setting_name='transparency', value=self.settings.transparency, selection=surface_objname) group_members.extend([objname, f"surface_{objname}"]) cmd +=, members=group_members) return cmd def _write_pymol_objects(self, relpath, hr, load_prot=True): """ generates pymol commands associated with an indivdual hotspot :param relpath: path to the directory holding associated files :param hr: hotspot result :type relpath: str :type hr: `hotspots.results.Results` """ self.pymol_out.commands += self._write_pymol_isosurfaces(hr.super_grids, relpath, hr.identifier, "fhm") if self.settings.output_superstar and hr.superstar: self.pymol_out.commands += self._write_pymol_isosurfaces(hr.superstar, relpath, hr.identifier, "superstar") if self.settings.output_weighted and hr.weighted_superstar: self.pymol_out.commands += self._write_pymol_isosurfaces(hr.weighted_superstar, relpath, hr.identifier, "weighted") if self.settings.output_buriedness and hr.buriedness: default_level=3 objname = f'buriedness_{hr.identifier}' fname = f'{relpath}/buriedness{self.settings.grid_extension}' self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.load(fname=fname, objname=objname) # surface_10_apolar_hotspotid surface_objname = f'surface_{objname}' self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.isosurface(grd_name=objname, isosurface_name=surface_objname, level=default_level, color=self.settings.colour_dict["buriedness"]) self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.pymol_set(setting_name='transparency', value=self.settings.transparency, selection=surface_objname) group_members = [f'buriedness_{hr.identifier}', f'surface_buriedness_{hr.identifier}'] self.pymol_out.commands +=, members=group_members) # generate grid labels labels = hr.grid_labels() for p, dic in labels.items(): i = 0 group_me = [] for coord, value in dic.items(): objname = f"PS_{p}_{hr.identifier}_{i}" group_me.append(objname) self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.pseudoatom(objname=objname, coords=coord, label=f'{round(value, 1)}') group_me.append(objname) i += 1 self.pymol_out.commands +='label_{p}_{hr.identifier}', group_me) self.pymol_out.commands +="labels_{hr.identifier}", [f'label_{p}_{hr.identifier}' for p in hr.super_grids.keys()]) # load up the protein if load_prot: self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.load(f'{relpath}/protein.pdb', f'protein_{hr.identifier}') if len(self.settings.protein_color_dic) > 0: self.pymol_out += PyMOLCommands.color("slate", f'protein_{hr.identifier}') self.pymol_out.commands +="cartoon", f'protein_{hr.identifier}') self.pymol_out.commands += PyMOLCommands.hide("line", f'protein_{hr.identifier}') self.pymol_out.commands +="sticks", "organic") # find contributing residues
[docs] def compress(self, delete_directory: bool = True) -> None: """ compresses the output directory created for this :class:`hotspots.HotspotResults` instance, and removes the directory by default. The zipped file can be loaded directly into a new :class:`hotspots.HotspotResults` instance using the :func:`~hotspots.Hotspots.from_zip_dir` function :param bool delete_directory: remove the out directory once it has been zipped """ out_dir = join(self.path, self.settings.container) shutil.make_archive(out_dir, 'zip', out_dir) if delete_directory: shutil.rmtree(join(self.path, self.settings.container))
[docs]class HotspotReader(object): """ A class to organise the reading of a :class:`hotspots.result.Result` :param str path: path to the result directory (can be .zip directory) """ def __init__(self, path, read_superstar=False, read_weighted=False, read_buriedness=True): self.read_superstar = read_superstar self.read_weighted = read_weighted self.read_buriedness = read_buriedness self.supported_interactions = {"apolar", "donor", "acceptor", "positive", "negative"} self.supported_grid_extensions = {"grd", "ccp4", "acnt", "dat"} self.supported_protein_extensions = "pdb" self.path = path def __enter__(self): self.top_extension = splitext(self.path)[1] if self.top_extension == ".zip": self.base = tempfile.mkdtemp() with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path) as hs_zip: hs_zip.extractall(self.base) else: self.base = self.path return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.top_extension == ".zip": try: shutil.rmtree(self.base) except: pass def _generate_result(self, path): with PushDir(path): files = set(listdir(path)) # fetch protein - this should always be protein.pdb prot_name = [f for f in files if f.split(".")[1] == self.supported_protein_extensions][0] prot = Protein.from_file(prot_name) files.remove(prot_name) # there should only be one grid extension in the directory, if there are more # then you can manually read in your results grid_extension = {f.split(".")[1] for f in files}.intersection(self.supported_grid_extensions) if len(grid_extension) > 1: raise IndexError("Too many grid types, create `hotspots.result.Results` manually") elif len(grid_extension) < 1: raise IndexError("No supported grid types found") elif list(grid_extension)[0] == "dat": raise NotImplementedError("Will put this in if requested") else: grid_extension = list(grid_extension)[0] # read hotspot grids stripped_files = {f.split(".")[0] for f in files} hotspot_grids = stripped_files.intersection(self.supported_interactions) super_grids = {p: Grid.from_file(f"{p}.{grid_extension}") for p in hotspot_grids} # read superstar grids if len([f.startswith("superstar") for f in files]) > 0 and self.read_superstar: superstar_grids = {p: Grid.from_file(f"superstar_{p}.{grid_extension}") for p in hotspot_grids} else: superstar_grids = None # read weighted_superstar grids if len([f.startswith("weighted") for f in files]) > 0 and self.read_weighted: weighted_grids = {p: Grid.from_file(f"weighted_{p}.{grid_extension}") for p in hotspot_grids} else: weighted_grids = None # fetch buriedness grid buriedness_name = [f.startswith("buriedness") for f in files][0] if buriedness_name and self.read_buriedness: buriedness = Grid.from_file(buriedness_name) else: buriedness = None return Results(super_grids=super_grids, protein=prot, buriedness=buriedness, superstar=superstar_grids, weighted_superstar=weighted_grids)
[docs] def read(self, identifier=None): """ creates a single or list of :class:`hotspots.result.Result` instance(s) :param str identifier: for directories containing multiple Fragment Hotspot Map results, identifier is the subdirectory for which a :class:`hotspots.result.Result` is requried :return: `hotspots.result.Result` a Fragment Hotspot Map result >>> from hotspots.hs_io import HotspotReader >>> path = "<path_to_results_directory>" >>> with HotspotReader(path) as reader: >>> """ root, d, files = list(walk(self.base))[0] if len(d) == 0: # old style single result all files in os.listdir(self.base) hr = self._generate_result(path=self.base) elif len(d) == 1: # new style single result hr = self._generate_result(path=join(self.base, d)) else: # more than one hotspot if identifier: hr = self._generate_result(path=join(self.base, identifier)) else: hr = [self._generate_result(path=join(self.base, x)) for x in d] return hr